15 Second Motivation Punch


I was listening to some motivational talks/music (parts of talks spliced in with music) as usual and I heard something that gave me chills…

“..Setting goals that are too attainable
and then you achieve them..

You will be content with that shallow victory because you don’t feel that negative emotion of failure.
But, you won’t achieve what you could have in life. It will be this sort of subtle, slow, easy, soft failure
that will never effect you emotionally but you will still die with your song still inside of you”

I do believe that sometimes you need to set small goals at first so you can have the small victories in order to get confidence to move to the next bigger goal. But, when you do start to have success, its important not to get stuck setting goals that are too “comfortable”. Be conscious, true to yourself, set goals when you know you might fail big time, and work your ass off my friend.




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