People Are Awesome


While you might not physically be able to do most of the stuff in the “People Are Awesome” video (I sure as heck know i’m not going to suspend myself thousands of feet in the air or do a triple back flip on a bike), however, watching this video can say quite a bit about what you as a human are capable of.

It doesn’t matter if you are attempting to do a base jump for the very first time or do your first YouTube video in an attempt to start driving traffic to your online business. For most, it takes a LOT of courage!


Ill be the first to tell you that doing my very first YouTube video was uncomfortable and challenging but when I got used to talking and being on camera, it started to get fun. I started to get more creative, it was driving a mass amount of traffic for my business, and people loved my videos!

If I would have never pushed through that uncomfortable feeling of trying to do my first YouTube video (or blog post), I would not be typing this blog post sitting in my apartment located in  sunny San Diego, California (I’m originally from Michigan so SD is a dream spot for me).

So, all in all, take massive imperfect action in spite of your uncomfortable feelings! If you do this, you will inspire more people than you can imagine and live the life of your freaking dreams.. I know this first hand that if you can work outside of your comfort zone, consistently, for even a small amount of time (1-3 months) your life can change dramatically.



What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below..