Law of attraction – who are you attracting into your life and business?

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

When you make the decision and total commitment to follow your passion and/or mission in life, many times it requires you to leave your previous self behind and become a new person.

This might be a cheesy example, but its a lot like the Caterpillar turning into a butterfly. When you dedicate your life to go down the path to fulfillment and success (whatever that is for you personally), you will start to evolve as a person.

What do I mean by “evolve”?

For example, if you want to become a millionaire, create an online business that gives you freedom and lifestyle, get to your ideal weight or get 6 pack abs, this is going to require you to develop a new set of skills and habits, thus evolve as a person.

If a genie could grant an over weight person 6 pack abs and a perfect body in the snap of a finger.. more often then not.. that person will gain all their weight back in a very short period of time and maybe even be in worse shape than they were before they were given abs and a perfect body.

Another perfect example is when a broke person wins the lottery and goes into debit within a few months or years after winning the money!

I say all that above to say this..

When you “evolve” yourself (develop the skills, strategies and habits) to become the person that can handle a million dollars or keep 6-pack abs (those are just a couple examples of goals someone might have), if the people around you in your life or business don’t evolve with you.. then you might find yourself growing apart from them.

This does NOT mean that you are better than the people around you or that those people should grow to your standards, it just means that you have different priorities and goals for your life. As the saying goes.. “To each their own”.

However, as you do grow into a new person along your journey, it is important to start surrounding yourself with other people that have similar goals, habits and skills that you wish to have or are working to attain….

….”Birds of a feather flock together”

If you think that you can go after success without evolving as a person.. you are going to keep attracting the wrong people in your life and in your business.


– Taking the easy road in your marketing (SPAMMING)

– Hanging out with people who don’t value their health if you are trying to get in shape..

– Hangout out with soul sucking broke people if you are trying to have more abundance and wealth in your life, etc….

I think you get my point!



Law of attraction – who are you attracting into your life and business?


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